On Letting Go: Part 1

I am constantly over-analyzing situations.  I can’t stand when I do it, but I almost can’t stop myself.  Lately I have been trying to make a conscious effort to stop over-thinking things I cannot change.  It is a serious problem that just makes me stressed out and unhappy.

The hardest part about growing is letting go of what you were used to, and moving on with something you’re not.

When my boyfriend and I broke up, and this was a little over a month ago, this was a huge change in my life.  We had been together almost 5 years, and while it had been my decision to make the change, it was still a big decision for me.  That part of my life had turned toxic, it was an unhappiness that had started to leak into other parts of my life, but in the end, I just wanted nothing to do with it.  When I realized I didn’t want to give up other parts of my life in order to be with him or spend time with him, I knew it was time to let go.

It’s usually quite hard to let go and move on, but once you do, you’ll feel free and realize it was the best decision you’ve ever made.

Oh boy is that quote ever true!  I do feel really free.  I feel more focused on school.  I feel like I have time to spend on my other hobbies, and I don’t feel guilty that I am not spending time with someone else instead of enjoying my own time.  I had really started to put my own hobbies aside because I thought I should instead be with him whenever I had free time on the weekends, because we didn’t have a lot of other time together.  And now, I don’t have to worry about that.  I can focus on me and my studying and my own fun stuff.  I can spend a few hours sewing or painting if I want to.  Or I could take a nap in the middle of the day, because I don’t need to hurry to get stuff done so I am free later.  Its so relaxing to realize I don’t have to rush unless I want to.

What you allow is what will continue.

Of course there are some days I am bored and miss having somewhere to be and socializing.  I am working on that tho.  I’m trying to make new friends, and spend more time talking with and being with my old friends that I tend to “let go” of once I am in a relationship.  Another poor habit I am hoping to break this time around.

If you feel like your ship is sinking, it might be a good time to throw out the stuff that’s been weighing it down.  Let go of people who bring you down, and surround yourself with those who bring out the best in you.

This is also true about things.  I am a collector of things.  I feel the need to save things incase of future use, or because of sentimental value.  I’ve been reading a lot about minimalism lately.  And the whole law of attraction.  If you have a lot of stuff and are constantly thinking about all this stuff, you will continue to have all this stuff.  If you think negatively about these things, only negative thoughts will follow.  With that in mind, I’ve been looking through my things and trying to sell or donate as much as I can.  I seriously went through my closet and emptied out a lot of clothes.  I don’t need all this stuff, someone else might really love these clothes, I should give them away.  Those are the thoughts I’ve been having about a lot of things.  So much clutter around my space. The clutter is suffocating sometimes.  Makes me antsy and stressed.  Makes me want to empty out my space and start over.

Back to the law of attraction, one of the examples in The Secret is about a woman who was actively searching for a husband, she lived alone, in a full house of her own things.  She was given advice to start living in her house as if she was already living the life she wanted.  So she parked on one side of the garage, and opened up space on the other.  She cleaned out her closet to have room for someone else’s things, she slept on one side of the bed.  End of the story, she found a wonderful man to marry.  Personally, I think that is an extreme example.  However, the truth is still there, while I have all these possessions holding me back, I am not prepared for my future, the one that I want.  The one where I am living on my own with my own household items.  In a clean house/duplex/condo/etc, all my own, where I can come home after work and spend time on my hobbies or with friends or whoever.  So I’m cleaning out.  I’m removing items that I don’t think I would move with me, or items from the last time I lived on my own, over 5 years ago.  Cleaning house, donating my household items, makes me happier to know I am helping someone, as well as myself, move on.

If you are diligent and patient, everything you truly need in your life will come to you at the right time.

Quotes from moregreatminds.com

Daily Prompt: The Wanderer

Daily Prompt: Tell us about the top five places you’ve always wanted to visit. GO!

Ha!  Sometimes I add “GO!” to the end of my emails or text messages….funny stuff.

I’ve always wanted to go to France…and then I did in June 2001.  That was a great 3 weeks with my high school French class.  My sister and BFF also went, so double bonus.  We spent 2 weeks touring France, and then 1 week with a French family.  Those are some funny stories I might have to share at some point.  No photos to share now.

Golde Gate Bridge, California

Golden Gate Bridge, California

Muir Woods, California

Muir Woods, California…almost got lost in here too!


I’ve always wanted to go to California, in 2007 I went to San Francisco with my then boyfriend.  It was a great trip.  We stayed at a tiny hotel right in the middle of like everything, we walked all over the city.  We found this amazing beer store and kept going back there, even spending some evenings there chatting with the locals.  Although, I was really shy back then so I wasn’t doing much talking.  Then we went on a winery van tour that was really fun.  I hope to do that again sometime.





I’ve always wanted to go to NYC, and then in November 2010 I went for like 3-4 days.  It was a solo trip, I have a friend who lives in the city and I stayed with her and wandered the city alone while she worked.  That was a really great trip, I can’t wait to go back sometime!  My favorite place was Greenwich Village, I really enjoyed that area.

Times Square, NYC

Thats me in Times Square! This is on the Forever 21 building.

My brother has been to London and really liked it, it would be really cool to visit there.  I don’t know much about it tho.

I read the Karen Marie Moning Fever series (pick up a book at the library, they are a fantasy series and NOT for teens), and those books are based in Dublin.  I would love to visit and see some of the places she mentions.

Italy is definitely on the list.  Its a pain I can’t eat pasta or regular pizza anymore, but for the wineries and the history, it would totally be worth it.  My friend is there right now celebrating her anniversary.  She is one lucky duck.

I’d like to go back to California and spend more time going through the wineries.  And maybe when its warmer, we went in February, right around the Chinese New Year, and it was windy and chilly most of the time.  I actually bought a fleece when we walked along the Pier, it was so chilly.  I prefer much warmer weather, so I’d like it to be high 70s!

I can’t come up with any other place specifically.  I do like to visit new places and try new things, so I am usually up to travel!

Daily Prompt: Showdown at Big Sky

Conflict photo

Daily Prompt: How do you handle conflict? Boldly and directly? Or, do you prefer a more subtle approach. 

It depends on the type of conflict, really.  I’m a pretty straight-forward person and like it when people honestly tell me whats going on or if something between us isn’t right.  So I usually face conflict directly because I think its the easiest way to air everything out and be honest.

There are a few situations, however, that I do not always confront directly.  Sometimes if its with someone I just met or don’t see very often, I’m either still too shy or can’t find the perfect time to bring it up.  Then I might avoid it or try to get over it.  That usually don’t work out so well, but sometimes if I put it off, I will calm down and it won’t be such a big deal anymore.

Share the Daily Prompt Blogger Love:
The Ambitious Drifter: Screeching in the Night
Active Army Wife: Kill Them With Kindness

Daily Prompt: Make Me Smile

Daily Prompt: If you’re feeling blah, what is the one thing you do that you can count on to put a smile on your face?

Making something crafty!
Listening to music!
Taking a nap!
Visiting my niece and nephew!
Sewing something easy!
Start a painting!
Checking out my penguin collection!
Enjoying some fruit!
Drinking sangria!
Enjoying a great glass of wine!
Or enjoying my favorite hard cider!
Enjoying a bonfire!
Watching a Disney movie!
Sitting outside in the sun!
Swings at the park!
Playing with puppies or kitties!
Thrift store shopping!
Calling my friends!

Share the Daily Prompt Love and Visit These Blogs:
Basically Beyond Basic
Dragon Droppings
The Wangsgard
Vanessa ElliottMeanderedwanderings

DIY: Decorate A Canvas Purse with Watercolor Pencils

Today (Thursday) was one of those days when I had everything planned out to do, then it was all messed up by my own unfortunate misinterpretation of what time 12:00am is!  Which left me with a full day to do whatever I please 🙂  Naturally, art day!  So I got all my paints together, picked up some canvases from my stash, yada yada yada.  And what did I find?  A canvas purse that I bought on clearance over a year ago, but had never done anything with!  PERFECTION!

If you haven’t seen it already, I watched this YouTube video by The Frugal Crafter last night, and it sounded like so much fun!  So of course, I find this purse and I must try it out!  I won’t keep you in the dark, she uses Derwent Inktense watercolor pencils to draw right onto fabric!  It was so gorgeous!  I don’t have Inktense pencils, but I do have a small set of Derwent Watercolor Pencils that so far have been working out nicely for my projects.

Moving along.  So I have this penguin tshirt, I love it, its so cute!  I decided to trace the penguins from there, and use those for my purse.

If you’re interested in doing this yourself, grab your supplies:
pattern for tracing (look at your clothes, search online, check out books, etc)
tracing paper big enough for your pattern
purse: canvas fabric works well, try something like these
regular #2 pencil
watercolor pencils
fabric medium
cup of water to clean brushes + separate cup of clean water
iron to heat set according to fabric medium directions

First I traced my image from my tshirt.  Then I traced the WRONG SIDE of the tracing paper, with dark outlines.  Don’t make the lines too thick and skip any small parts that you can estimate placement yourself and will be a lighter color on your fabric. (aka don’t trace in black something you want yellow)

DIY Penguin Purse Design with Watercolor Pencils

Trace your image, place paper directly on top of image to trace.

DIY Penguin Purse Design with Watercolor Pencils

Now trace the WRONG SIDE of your paper with dark lines. This will be how we transfer the image.

Now place the WRONG SIDE face down onto your canvas/purse/fabric.  Use your #2 pencil to heavily mark the images, you can trace the outlines on the RIGHT SIDE or mark/scribble horizontally over the lines.  You can see it better in the next photo.  You could also try using graphite paper, but that is really messy and can easily smudge the rest of your fabric!


DIY Penguin Purse Design with Watercolor Pencils

I left this image bigger so you can more easily see how the penguins now look a little “fuzzy” on the edges. Its because I am scribbling over the outlines to transfer the image to the fabric.

GAfter you transfer all of your image.  Decide on your colors.  I used the black to first draw the outline darker.  Then dark blue for the penguin’s body, and orange for their beak and feet.


DIY Penguin Purse Design with Watercolor Pencils

I added the dark black outline for the penguins bodies. I messed up the eyes on the one on the right. He’s supposed to be “suspicious” not “angry”.

Fill in all your colors. Go light at first, you can always add more color after the next step. Now, get your colors wet. Use a paintbrush to “paint with water” on your colors. Go one color at a time. If you like, do all the dark colors first then the light colors.  My oranges got a little muddy from the pencil tracings, this is why I suggest you skip the small bits when doing the tracing/transfer.

DIY Penguin Purse Design with Watercolor Pencils

I wanted more blue on my penguins, so after I got them wet, I went back over their bodies with a lighter blue pencil and then blended with water. Then I added their ice floe so they wouldn’t just be floating in space.

Next, and you don’t have to wait for anything to dry, go over the entire pattern with Fabric Painting Medium.  Again, you can choose to do this by color or lights and darks separately.  Thats what I did, I saved the oranges for last after I cleaned off my brush.  I don’t have white pencils, so I left their tummies the same color as the fabric.


Don’t forget to heat set the design with your iron according to the directions on your fabric medium bottle!

I wanted one more penguin so I added one to my purse flap.  What a cutie.

Fill in all your colors. Go light at first, you can always add more color after. Now, get your colors wet. Use a paintbrush to "paint with water" on your colors. Go one color at a time. If you like, do all the dark colors first then the light colors. If you make one too, be sure to link back here so I can see your designs!  All those inexpensive canvas aprons, purses, hats, totes, etc would be perfect for this project.  Plus, this would be a fun project for your crafty teenagers!

This post contains affiliate links, this means I will receive a small percentage of your purchase should you choose to buy through my links.  Thank you.

Share the Love Artsy Bloggers!
Let’s Do This by Softcore Antics
Dark City by Skeleton Key
Sketch Drop by Dorrie
7 Stages of Current Painting in Progress by Anita C Miller
Graphite, Silver, and White by Ephemeral Emerald

Life Update

Hi everyone.  Things have been quiet here.  I do apologize.

Want the mini version?  Read only what’s in color.

PTA School has been crazy insane this quarter.  With all the snow days we had, this has felt like the shortest quarter and we still had the same amount of material we had to learn!  Finals week just ended and so far I know I have passed 1 of my 2 classes.  Awesome, because that was a killer class, Musculoskeletal 1.  We learned about all the joints of the body (for the 3rd time) and then all the different exercises that would be used for those areas. It was so hard!  And we have it again next quarter where we learn all the pathologies (diseases and injuries) and how to apply those exercises!  AHH!  Another class, Kinesiology 2, have not heard back yet if I passed.

In other news, my boyfriend of 5 years and I have ended our relationship.  It was a tough decision, but I do believe it is the right one.  Eventually, we just stopped being compatible.  I am excited for the next chapter of my life.  The past few months I had really started missing being creative, painting, DIYing, sewing, etc.  Partly because I felt like anytime I had free time, I should really be studying.  But also because of the extra stress of school and the responsibilities of everything else.  It had become too much and I just wasn’t happy anymore.

For the past week (at least), I have been feeling good and ready to get my craft on.  I’ve already made 2 new pieces of jewelry and photographed them to share (yay).  I have a refashion project that I have been planning for months and took some of the steps to finish yesterday.  Of course, I did it all backwards so its actually going to be much harder then it essentially needed to be.  Naturally.

Other awesome news, where I went to college, the University of Dayton of Dayton, OH made the Sweet 16 for the first time in 30 years!!  THEN they beat that team and now they are in the Elite 8 (this one shows pictures of the student neighborhood celebrating after the Sweet 16 win)I am so ecstatic I can barely contain myself!  Their next game is Saturday night, I cannot wait to watch it!  I had planned to stay home and relax and craft, but now I’ll be out at a bar with some peeps enjoying the game!

My lovely niece and nephew are so full of energy!  They are 10 months old!  J is walking, he can officially stand up not holding on to anything, and walk on his own at least a few feet before crawling again!  Its crazy, his sister C is walking as well, she walks circles around the couches and everything.  Reminds me of how I used to crawl around the sides of a swimming pool when I was a kid (I can’t swim).  They are incredibly adorable and so much fun.  Extremely active, I am constantly crawling after them.  My knees will be all bruised up this summer from crawling on the kitchen floor!  But so much fun 🙂  Their birthday is early May, so we are already started the plans for their party!  I will show some photos of their decorations and the setup afterwards.

I think tonight I will work on my blog.  Set up some posts.  Finally update my buttons to make my new banner.  (PS.  Do you like?)  Just kinda clean up some things!

…Actually I won’t get too far.  I got up at 4:20am this morning, and tomorrow I have to get up at 4am!  So I’ll be heading up to bed in about an hour, I like to read and pin things before I go to sleep.  I work at 6am on the weekends (usually), so my Friday nights are fairly lame.

Thanks for catching up with me, everyone who made it all the way through!


The Crafty Traveling Box Stopped Here!

2-3 weeks ago the Crafty Traveling Box stopped by my house with a lovely selection of craft supplies for me to choose from!  It was very exciting, I had joined along with Awesomesauce and Asshattery for the international craft supplies swap!  I had planned on what I would be sending…that is until I opened the box!

Once I opened it, I realized all the lace I had planned to send, was probably not going to help anyone.  I had planned to send some swatches and some doilies- but there were already a few doilies and what looked like vintage hankerchiefs inside!  Oh well, I had some other goodies planned!

Here is the first post from Sheri when she sent it out, check out her goodies she sent to us!

When I opened it up, all these lovelies were inside!

craftybox3I love the peacock trim, but no clue what I would do with it.  Some shiny gold fabric that again I have no clue what to do with.  The doilies and lace trims were pretty, and I decided not to add mine to the mix.  Then those really pretty (presumably) vintage hankerchiefs!  I wanted them, but one of the “rules” was to only take the things you will use.  So something to just look at, was not going to cut it!  Besides…I’m trying to sell off a lot of my stash, no need to add to it with things I am clueless to use!

I ended up picking one doily, it feels different then cotton, not sure if it is a type of polyester.  I love the look of doilies on clothes, as a pocket or maybe a cutout on the back!


Then, there was a huge pack of unopened gold sequin trim!  I scooped that right up!  I have some pink and black sequin trim I got on clearance at JoAnn’s awhile back.  I have high hopes that I can come up with a cool design with these different trims to refashion a shirt or possibly some jeans.  Here are some ideas:

4 DIY Sequin Ideas for New Years Eve   <—–Lots of great sequin clothing refashions


Here is what I passed along in the box!

craftybox4That’s a vintage pattern I got at a garage sale.  Not sure why I picked it up, I think I got it for free!  An iron-on silver metallic panda…another questionable purchase, but look how cute he is!  A home-dec fabric swatch that I had high hopes to make a purse from (similar to those placemat clutches), but its been a year and I still have it!  Time to go.  2 lengths of hemp, and then a handful of vintage metal buttons.  Because who doesn’t love buttons?!

If you’re following along on Sheri’s blog, you can see the latest stop here.

Painted Shoes Inspiration

I have this pair of suede shoes, they are Sketcher Retros.  I bought them sophomore year in college, sooo…2003?  Anyway, I still have them, even tho they are incredibly worn out at this point and you can’t even see the original color.  They used to be a light blue with dark blue leather stripes on the side, and the bottoms were this rubber sole…I can’t even explain.

I had this idea, they are horrible looking now to wear, however before I just throw them out, maybe I’ll try a project and see how it looks.  So I searched the web for “DIY painted shoes” and here are some of the projects I found:

By A Beautiful Mess

By A Beautiful Mess


By Guest Blogger at Lil Luna

By Guest Blogger JoJo and Eloise at Lil Luna

BY Refinery 29

BY Refinery 29

For awesome how-to tips, check out the ladies at Sassy Feet!  They have a great blog that they use to show everyone their adventures in painting shoes!  They do such lovely jobs and have so much inspiration to share!  Check out this How-To Page to get started!


March is National Craft Month PLUS lot of giveaways!!

Thats right!  March is the month when its normal to do a million craft projects instead of those other things you “should be doing”.  Just trying to celebrate the month!

Its already a week or so into the month, and I spent the first week having fun with some fabric paints (which I will share after I get the photos..I totally forgot to take my own!) in between studying and school.  It was a hectic first week.

Anyway, I wanted to tell you guys about all the giveaways going on this month and which ones I entered today:

Mod Podge Giveaway at the Plaid Palette
Sizzix Big Shot Starter Kit at FaveCrafts.com part of a daily giveaway!
– the daily giveaways page: March 2014 Giveaways
Grand Prize Giveaway at FaveCrafts.com – you can enter daily!
Enter to win a FREE class from Craftsy.com – you must be a member to enter
ENDS MARCH 9th at 11:59 PM PST!!!  – Knitting/Yarn/Pattern/Supplies Giveaway with 10 winners by KnittingDaily.com

Read more about the fun contests and events going on this month in this Examiner.com article by Annette Graf.