Day 1 of the Blog Challenge

Day 1 of the 30 Day Blog Challenge <- click here to find out what I am talking about!

1.  A photo of yourself and how your day was.

Photo on 2013-04-08 at 22.18 #2

I had fun with the “thermal image” option on my Photo Booth application on my Mac.  I think it looks kinda cool.  And this is probably how I look while I read stuff online!

Today began Week 2 of my PTA school!  I did not work today and so I spent most of today preparing for my quiz today and the next 3 days!

I slept in and it was delightful. Of course I stayed up late after downloading CandySwipe 2.0 on my Kindle Fire, and then played like an awesome 3 games 5-10 games instead of sleeping.

I got up and washed my hair; to make my hair look fairly nice and lay straight, I basically have to do it right away.  I can’t really let it air dry without it looking frizzy and with weird flips.  In the summer I am lucky that it gets these nice waves when there is high humidity, can’t wait for that again!

After this I had my usual breakfast of chocolate milk (yum!), and a yogurt, today I chose key lime.  Then I read my emails while listening to the new Macklemore song, And We Danced, which has an awesome spot with Nordstrom Bridal.  Check it out.

I studied for a few hours, I think I did nothing for about an hour, then I got ready for class and headed out.  I like to get to class early, then I can chat before class or sneak in some more studying before its time to stop.

Mondays are Introduction to Physical Therapy from 5pm-7pm which is not the most interesting class.  We have a quiz on Wednesday in this class.  Medical Terminology starts at 7pm, unless the other class ends early.  Today we had our first quiz in Medical Terminology, which is basically just memorizing symbols for chart documenting and abbreviations, and spelling, the whole list is huge.  Today we had a spelling test of about 20 words out of like 50+ that we needed to know.  Then there was fill in the blank for other medical terms, definitions, and matching.  I’m pretty sure I got everything right except for 2 abbreviations that were from other lists, and left behind on the test by my teacher on accident.  Week 2 abbreviations and terms will definitely be harder than this last set.

And now I am ending today writing this blog, studying Anatomy, and watching Friends!  Oh, and eating half a movie-size box of Bottlecaps candy.

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