Daily Prompt: But No Cigar

I feel like I just answered this yesterday.  Why are similar prompts within a day of each other??

Daily Prompt: Tell us about a time things came this close to working out… but didn’t. What happened next? Would you like the chance to try again, or are you happy with how things eventually worked out?

Actually this just happened, like a few weeks ago over Christmas holidays.  I don’t really want to fully discuss it because I didn’t really tell everyone who might see this blog.  But it was a huge thing and I was very discouraged for about a week until I started to move past it and look at my options.

If nothing else, it has shown me I need to work harder for what I want.  I need to get off the computer (just a minute), I need to focus on the task at hand, I need to put away all the other distractions, spend more time at home being productive and less time spending money I don’t have.  (Have you checked out my Destash page yet?)

For New Years one of my resolutions/goals was to try for a regular yoga practice.  About 2 years ago I was swapping 1 hour of massage therapy for 1 hour of yoga a week with the instructor.  For some reason, I just sort of quit that.  I didn’t fully love yoga, but I could tell a difference between exercising with yoga, and not doing anything.  Now I don’t do anything, no exercise.  Anyway, doing yoga has so many benefits, many of which include concentration and subjecting your body to stress and teaching it to relax.  All things that could benefit my “so close” moment.

I also started reading a book, Help Me Find a Career: Strategies to Choose Work You Will Love by Janet Scarborough Civitelli, PhD.  The first chapter was most enlightening, the author suggested having more than one method of receiving income.  Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, essentially.  Because what if it doesn’t work out?  You might be left with nothing, I certainly was feeling like that over Christmas when all of this went down.  After I read that, I have been looking for other ways to make small bits of income.  I have found a few that I work on a little everyday.  They aren’t big money makers, but its more than I had before!  In fact, I’m making a little bit right now as I write this, and it has nothing to do with this blog!

So to sum it up, it was horrible at the time, but I am working through it and hope to be better off because of it.

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